Dante Tanzi (I)

He is a composer and performer of acousmatic music, graduated in Electronic Music at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Como. His compositions have been performed in Italy (Musica Nel Nostro Tempo, Colloqui di Informatica Musicale, Cinque Giornate Festival, SpazioMusica Festival, Sound Labyrinths) in Switzerland (Euromicro, Computer Music Concert), in Canada (EuCue Series), in the United Kingdom and in Ireland (ICMC, Sonorities), Spain and the Basque Country (Festival di Flix, Festival Bernaola), France (Festival Licenze, Festival Futura, SIME, En Chair et En Son, Klang!), Colombia (BunB), United States (NYCEMF), Portugal (DME), Austria (Ars Electronica), Argentina (Atemporànea), Japan (OUA-EMF), Belgium (Espace du son), Mexico (Ecos Urbanos). In 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2018 he curated the program of acousmatic music concerts as part of the ‘Festival 5 Giornate’ in Milan. Since 2012, as an interpreter at the acusmonium he has taken part in the seasons of ‘San Fedele Musica’ and in concerts with the acusmonium mobile AUDIOR, of which he takes care of the programming. Since 2013 he has held sound spatialization workshops for CESMA (European Center for Music and Acoustics Studies of Lugano) in Novara, and masterclasses for the conservatories of Como, Turin and Lecce as part of the MA / IN Festival. From 1985 to 2009 he worked at the Music Informatics Laboratory of the University of Milan. He is the author of essays on Leonardo Music Journal, Interface, De Musica, Leonardo, Organized Sound, Crossings and Contemporary Music Review. He is a founding member of the ‘Audior’ association.