Monday, 26th February

h.20.30 Auditorium San Fedele



Live Set

In collaborazione con Goethe-Institut Mailand
16€/13€ (riduzione studenti solo in biglietteria – Via Hoepli 3/B mon – fri 10:00 – 16:00)

Berlin evening to explore other aspects of immersive listening with two musicians skilled in particular experimental techniques.
Hainbach is the stage name of composer Stefan Paul Goetsch. He will try his hand at exploring unreleased material from the new album “Breve,” due out in March 2024. The artist will intervene with manipulations and cuts of magnetic tapes using a Nagra recorder, Ciat-Lonbarde organs and a Fluss synthesizer.
The most characteristic component of his musical arsenal is the use of magnetic tape and obsolete sound generators, dating back even to the origins of electronic music, to record, loop and manipulate sound, often slowing the speed down to half speed, according to the artist the best speed because it allows him to explore the hidden content of sounds.
Whether in manipulating tapes or exploring the sonic possibilities of the equipment he uses, Hainbach creates music, performances and installations that experiment with the tension between construction and deconstruction.

In another direction leads Konrad Sprenger, stage name Joerg Hiller. in a hexaphonic (six-channel) live set using an electric guitar as a generator of sounds that are digitally reworked and spatialized. With this technical setup, the artist creates complex rhythmic patterns, automatically retunes the strings of the instrument during performance, and radically expands the possibilities of the guitar, producing from it any sound, whether in guise of an electronic instrument, or through sampled sounds of traditional stringed instruments, up to the entire orchestra.