ph. A.Richardson

Monday, 22nd April
h.20.30 Auditorium San Fedele
Allegro moderato
Shear Planes
The listening itinerary exploring the theme of immersive thresholds, that is, the gradualness of the listener’s perceptual and meditative involvement in the immersive acoustic space of the San Fedele auditorium, is drawing to a close with its seventh event.
The program involves two original projects of symphonic ambient music. In the first part, the creation of the work commissioned by Inner_Spaces from Francesco Zago: Allegro moderato. A challenging project consisting of the reworking and reconstruction with electric guitar and electronic effects of the monumental first movement of Anton Bruckner’s (1824-1896) Seventh Symphony. The great nineteenth-century Austrian composer made nine symphonies, like Beethoven, however, of grandiose scope not in a self-celebratory sense, but in a dimension of faith, as a possibility of rendering through music an aural perception of the magnificence and glory of God the Creator. It is music that unfolds slowly – an ambient symphonic music ante litteram -, proceeding by juxtaposition of autonomous blocks, pervaded by areas of shadow that announce the arrival of lightening leading to full brightness, music of genuine timbres dominated by the gilding of the brass, with gigantic slowdowns of speech and crescendos for which it is undoubtedly difficult not to think of an organ gradually disposing the full power of its registers.
The other part of the evening will feature Richard Skelton, rarely on the concert scene, an opportunity to discover his mysterious musical world. Author of compositions that can be associated with the ambient genre, but in an intensive sense. Very few elements structure his expansive musical cathedrals; drones and instrumental samples are interwoven and superimposed with varying durations and amplitudes in increasing cycles until they reach sonic developments of great intensity.