

h.21 Auditorium San Fedele

Dystopia (Audiovisual live performance, 2014)

Dystopia is an audiovisual project that takes us through dark and hypnotic landscapes. Ambient / noise atmospheres are developed on the dub / techno rhythmic textures of Massimiliano Gusmini (Mud), generated by self-constructed instruments (Lumanoise) and played with crackling and fluorescent lights by Luca Pertegato (Xo00). The visual project explores natural / urban satellite territories in constant mutation towards a sort of organic matter and constantly enveloped by a hypnotic ‘orbiting nebula’.

Sound: Luca Pertegato (a.k.a Xo00) Lumanoise and Lights, Massimiliano Gusmini (a.k.a. Mud) Laptop
Video: Luca Pertegato, Silvio Mancini
Total time: around 40”

Stephane Mathieu
Nachtstück (Fourth Dream, 2015)

Stephane Mathieu’s performance focuses on the dimension of interiority by presenting his latest work Nachtstück. The reference artist of interiority is certainly Andrej Tarkovski, of whom San Fedele Musica presented some of his films with the acusmonium. The Russian director has managed to integrate in his works, with intense lyricism, different artistic languages, from painting to poetry, from photography to music. Stephan Mathieu’s sound is largely based on ancient instruments, ambient sounds and ancient media, which are detected and transformed by means of experimental microphone, technical re-editing and specific software.

Acousmatic interpretation: Dante Tanzi and Giovanni Cospito

In collaboration with Goethe-Insitut Mailand