


h.21 Auditorium San Fedele


Mattia Loris Siboni
In memoriam Hieremiae

Francisco López
Inner Sound – Audiodynamic performance

Sound engineer: Massimo Colombo

Evening that sees the return to San Fedele of the sound artist Francisco López, protagonist since the Eighties of a new musical trend centered on the quality of performance with the aim of achieving deep listening. The artist will present a special audio-dynamic performance project in the San Fedele auditorium. Indeed, drawing from his vast sonic material ranging from field recordings in rainforests and wildernesses to industrial, urban scenes and concrete music, López recombines the complexity of sound environments, their natural richness, the unusual rhythm that one encounters. in the flow of sound events to assemble a continuous work, composed of a succession of sequences that involves dramatically slow changes, extreme dynamics (from the limits of auditory perception to the pain threshold), an intense attention to broadband sounds and complex – entails in synthesis everything that is already encountered, if one pays attention, in the sound reality of nature and the various environments of life. Lopez’s intention, developed over the course of three decades, is to propose a listening experience of great intensity that takes up Pierre Schaeffer’s notion of sound in itself and reduced listening, in the sense that the essence of recorded sound material is not to document or represent but a way to focus and access the inner world of sounds. In conclusion, the Spanish artist pursues an ideal of absolute music that he considers among the most relevant and revolutionary developments in the history of music In the live performance there will be sulphurous sounds and vibrations similar to the noise of an erupting volcano recorded at the point of maximum sensory distance, low sounds reverberating in the void starting from eardrum rolls even without absolute silence. A synthesis of a long and laborious attempt to reach the middle ground between silence and sound, as well as one of the most influential and extreme paths ever faced in this regard. A journey that represents the essential starting point for anyone who today approaches to research in that complex terrain suspended between sound and noise.

In the first part, Mattia Loris Siboni, born in 1996, winner of the San Fedele 2019 Young Composer Prize, will bring to Milan a new electronic work, in memoriam Hieremiae Prophetae, a commission supported by the Carlo Maria Martini Foundation in line with the tradition of the San Fedele Cultural Foundation which it counts numerous collaborations for the realization of new works in the context of the dialogue between art and faith. The sound, environmental, human and spiritual reconstruction, through a symbolic and evocative musical approach, of the experience of the prophet Jeremiah thrown by his enemies into a deep mud tank. The insistence of a just man, a minister of the king, Ebed-Mèlech the Ethiopian, pitied by the condition of the prophet, will succeed in convincing the king to save Jeremiah from death. The young composer from Cesena is fascinated by silence as a compositional musical parameter, he develops his personal research through the study of the sound landscape and human interaction, putting first attention to the sound object and the space it occupies. He is interested in the morphological construction of sound and searches for the evocative and extra-musical aspect given by extrinsic ties, works with the threshold of the concepts of expectation and surprise and investigates musical perception.