


h.21 Auditorium San Fedele


Nicola Ratti
Pressure Loss

Ivan Pavlov / COH
Musical Vol.

Acousmatic interpretation: Giovanni Cospito

Sound engineer: Filippo Berbenni


In collaboration with Associazione Italia-Russia and Digicult


Ivan Pavlov / CoH, an important reference in contemporary electronic music, and Nicola Ratti, both will present their latest works. For the occasion, the Russian-born sound artist will present a performance with his new album made for the Editions Mego label entitled Music Vol., plus a sound score extracted from some of his historical tracks and re-proposed specifically for the Acusmonium SATOR of the San Fedele Auditorium. In the first part of the evening, the expected performance of the Milanese Nicola Ratti, a multifaceted musician and attentive investigator of sound in its spatial dimension who will present Pressure Loss, his latest record released for the London label Where To Now ?.

Ivan Pavlov / CoH, presented by Marco Mancuso from Digicult, is the author of seminal albums in the history of electronic music of the last 15 years – above all Enter Tinnitus (1998), Mockbee (2002), Post-Pop (2005), Strings (2007), Play Cosey (2008), Iiron (2011), Retro 2038 (2013) – active in numerous collaborations – Cosey Fanni Tutti, Richard Chartier, i Coil, Paul Prudence, Annie Anxiety – CoH is considered the father of what has been defined post -techno, revered by artists such as Aphex Twin, Carsten Nicolai and Karl Heinz Stockhausen. His legendary monicker has two meanings in the Russian language: “dream” and “sleep” at the same time. The relationship between these two terms suggests the variety and complexity of the sound world proposed by Ivan Pavlov in his vast discography: a series of territories rarely explored by the field of electronic research music, straddling sophisticated digital manipulations of different compositional elements (music , voice, tone, rhythm), refined experiments with analog instruments and courageous excursions into various musical genres, from classical to metal. Ivan Pavolov has thus carried forward his completely unique line of research over the years, opening up to each chapter new possibilities of sound investigation, in the constant tension to create new spaces, new dimensions, new possible languages for contemporary music in the era of overproduction. software and technology in general. Ivan Pavlov with his music caresses the edges and rules of a beautiful game of mirrors: sound and silence, violence and sweetness, vibration and quiet, to create an organic and tactile unicum, to be perceived rather than heard, rich in nuances in every single fragment of sound.

Nicola Ratti will open the evening with an analogue set, polyhedric musician, tireless researcher of sound in its spatial dimension, always passionate about experiences that explore minimal and essential sound contexts. Nicola Ratti’s music has very little conventional. His sonorous vision sometimes borders on areas reminiscent of Pierre Schaeffer. Here Ratti has created an absorbing world of rhythmic idiosyncrasies, with tonal experiments from other worlds, minimalist moments of beauty, and sober landscapes of threat and suspense.